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Today's Quote 29 June 2024 from Angel Anne

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon, Good Evening & Good Night wherever you are in the world. Sending you love and light, no matter the time of day. May the angels watch over you always.

Self love

Today's Quote:

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

Helen Keller

When One Door Closes, Another Opens: A Lesson in Perspective

Life, like a series of interconnected rooms, presents us with doors—some wide open, others firmly shut. The saying “When one door of happiness closes, another opens” reminds us that transitions are inevitable. Yet, our gaze often lingers on the closed door, obscuring the opportunities that await.

The Closed Door: A Moment of Loss

When a cherished source of joy—whether a relationship, a job, or a dream—ends, grief settles in. We mourn what was, fixating on the door that has shut. It’s natural; endings evoke emotions. But in this moment, we must remember: The universe is a master architect, always designing new entrances.

The Open Door: A World of Possibility

Shift your focus. Look around. There, in the periphery, lies an open door—a path to fresh beginnings. Perhaps it’s a chance encounter, an unexpected passion, or a hidden talent waiting to be explored. These doors don’t announce themselves; we must seek them.

The Art of Perception

Our perception shapes reality. If we dwell on loss, we miss the gifts of renewal. Instead, let’s cultivate resilience. Acknowledge the closed door, honor its significance, but then turn toward the open one. Step through with curiosity, knowing that life’s symphony continues.


So, my friend, when one door closes, pause. Breathe. Trust that another awaits. And as you cross thresholds, carry the wisdom of Helen Keller, who said: “We should not look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” May your eyes remain open to the doors of possibility.

Love, Light, Peace & Joy

Angel Anne


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