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Today's Quote July 9 - 2024 from Anoulla

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon, Good Evening & Good Night wherever you are in the world. Sending you love and light, no matter the time of day. May the angels watch over you always.

Good Morning

Today's Quote:

Angels whisper good tidings at dawn. Have a heavenly day!

Angelplace on Earth

Angelic Whispers: A Heavenly Day Unfolds

At the cusp of dawn, when the world is still wrapped in slumber, angels tiptoe across the threshold of daybreak. Their ethereal forms brush against dew-kissed leaves, and their whispers weave through the morning mist. What do they say? Ah, listen closely, for their tidings are woven with stardust and hope.

This is a celestial message, a timeless refrain. Imagine those angels leaning in, their voices like gentle zephyrs, as they share the mystery of love.

It is a glimpse off a cosmic celebration. Today, as dawn breaks, let us attune our hearts to those angelic whispers. Let us embrace the miracles stitched into the ordinary—the dewdrops, the smiles, the warm cups of tea. For what lies ahead is vast, but what lies within us—the spark of divinity—is boundless. Have a heavenly day, dear soul, and may your heart echo their celestial tidings.

Love, Light, Peace & Joy

Anoulla's Angelplace



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