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Care'n Mooney

Attitude of Gratitude by Care'n Mooney


Living your life with gratitude opens the world up and fills it with endless possibilities. Gratitude is the feeling of fullness and sincere appreciation for all things in life. Gratitude can be felt by humans, animals, and plants. It is the divine vibration that radiates out to all things. Gratitude allows us to express a positive emotion, to relish a great experience, to deal with adversity, and to experience healing within ourselves. Gratitude and humility send signals to all humanity, allowing us to be connected to something greater than life itself.

It is the pure joy of gratitude when we watch small children respond to seeing their mother and father, when they respond to animals, new things, or new friends. It is spontaneous and effortless - the pure joy of being in contact with someone or something that brings them joy. The joy is then released and affects all around them. This is gratitude in its purest form.

As we grow, we begin to get stingy with our gratitude. We reserve it for some special occasion or something that we have convinced ourselves will bring us joy. We are not easily moved to express it, and we lose the gift of the feeling and emotion of gratitude. We start feeling that it is something we do as an obligation or to look good. Then, we begin to lose the amazing experience of gratitude, leaving the gratitude without really allowing the emotion to fill us and shine for all others to feel.

Let us take time to reclaim what it truly feels like to let love and joy fill us in our appreciation for life. Let us reconnect with that untarnished joy and begin to see the world in all its beauty. It is a vibrant vibration of love pulsating with life. When we tap into the flow, we can appreciate the true essence of all creation. We can begin to feel gratitude for just being part of the magnificent experience called life. When we practice the attitude of gratitude, it moves beyond a superficial expression into a way of living.

If you start and finish the day in gratitude, it allows you to move into the awareness of your own divinity. When you have gratitude for the breath that gives us life, for the body that houses your essence, for the mere fact you woke up, that you finished an important project, that you laughed, for getting through one more day.

Gratitude spreads the love for others to feel, just by taking the time to say thank you to someone or I appreciate you. I even thanked the people who were cleaning the bathrooms, working on a holiday, or serving me by giving their time to be of service, and I am grateful when I adapt.

The attitude of gratitude brings greater joy to ourselves and others, and we can experience it in a more peaceful and beautiful way.

Joe Dispenza said, “If you bring the emotions of gratitude up before the actual event, your body will begin to believe that the future event has indeed already happened and is happening at the present moment."

Thinking about this, manifestations will become manifest with the attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude changes our DNA, the molecules in our body, and our body remembers them, giving us a feeling of peace, warmth, courage, self-worth, self-love, and radiant health.

Greg Braden says, "When you go into the energy of gratitude, you will begin to manifest effortlessly."

Gratitude is the gift we give ourselves and the gift we share with others, and the best gifts don't cost anything. You begin to see the world in gratitude. The simplest things will catch your eye.

I wrote this one morning after the rain had fallen. In the early morning, my eyes were drawn to a small bead of moisture moving down a leaf, a memory of the gentle rain that had come before. It allowed the dew to glisten and cast a small rainbow. The drop began its journey down the leaf, following the path unseen as it meandered to the left and to the right, often stopping as if to question, "Should I stop, or should I go on?" I was captivated by the fearlessness as it moved into the unknown. Finally, it came to the bottom of the leaf and let go, falling onto another leaf and another until it fell to the ground to begin the journey again as it moved into evaporation and again became the next drop of rain.

I am grateful for the rain. I am grateful that the drop shared its journey with me.


Every Tuesday evening, I have a heart-centered meditation at my center in Mesa, Arizona. I call it the open-heart meditation. I guide the group into our heart’s center, feeling it with joy, feeling it expands and vibrates faster and faster until we become our true essence as beings of light.

If anyone is in the Phoenix or Mesa area, please give me a call and be part of our open-heart meditation.

Care'n Mooney

I see you, I appreciate you, I honor you

© Care’n Mooney

Cosmic Guardians Care'n Mooney



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