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Bridging Science & Spirituality Through Water

Masaru Emoto Quote

Masaru Emoto, Introduction

Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher and author, revolutionized our understanding of water through his innovative experiments. His work, which combines scientific inquiry with spiritual insights, has sparked both intrigue and controversy. Emoto’s research suggests that water is not just a physical substance but also a medium that can respond to human emotions and intentions.

The Science Behind Emoto’s Work

Emoto’s experiments involved exposing water to various stimuli, such as words, music, and thoughts, before freezing it and photographing the resulting ice crystals. He observed that positive stimuli, like loving words or classical music, produced aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical crystals. In contrast, negative stimuli resulted in irregular and fragmented crystals.

This groundbreaking research hints at a profound connection between human consciousness and the molecular structure of water. Emoto’s findings suggest that our thoughts and intentions can influence the physical world, raising broader questions about the impact on human beings, who are predominantly composed of water.

Masaru Emoto Quotes

Spiritual Dimensions

Emoto’s work extends beyond the realm of science into the spiritual. He believed that water has a profound sensitivity to energy and intention, a concept that resonates with many spiritual traditions. Emoto often spoke about the importance of positive thinking and gratitude, suggesting that these attitudes could improve not only our water but also our overall well-being.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Emoto’s work is his exploration of the Flower of Life, an ancient symbol in sacred geometry. Emoto believed that this symbol, when imprinted onto water containers, could enhance the water’s natural healing properties. This idea combines the scientific with the mystical, suggesting that the Flower of Life’s geometric perfection can impart its energy to water, making it more harmonious and beneficial for consumption.

Global Impact and Legacy

Emoto’s research has inspired global meditation and prayer events aimed at sending positive energy to the world’s water sources. These events have reportedly had measurable positive effects on water quality, further supporting Emoto’s theories about the sensitivity of water to human intention.

Despite the controversy and skepticism surrounding his work, Emoto’s research has created a bridge between science and spirituality. It challenges us to reconsider our relationship with the natural world and to recognize the potential power of our thoughts and emotions.

Masaru Emoto Quotes


Masaru Emoto’s work offers a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of science and spirituality. By exploring the responsiveness of water to human emotions and intentions, Emoto has opened up new possibilities for understanding the world around us. His legacy continues to inspire those who seek to live more consciously and harmoniously with nature.

Read more about Masaru Emoto's work at

A few books by Masaru Emoto

  1. The Hidden Messages in Water - This book explores how water responds to positive and negative thoughts and words.

  2. The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves - Emoto delves into the healing properties of water and its impact on our well-being.

  3. Water Crystal Healing: Music and Images to Restore Your Well-Being - A unique combination of music and water crystal images aimed at promoting healing.

  4. Messages from Water and the Universe - This book expands on Emoto’s research, showing how water crystals reflect the energy of the universe.

  5. The Miracle of Water - Emoto discusses the miraculous properties of water and its essential role in life.

The Revolutionary Work of Veda Austin: Unveiling Water’s Consciousness

In the realm of water research, few have made as profound an impact as Veda Austin from New Zealand. Through her innovative freezing technique, Austin has demonstrated that water is not just a passive element but a responsive entity, capable of interacting with our thoughts, emotions, and various forms of stimuli. Her work has captivated the scientific community and the public alike, revealing the hidden intelligence of water.

A Journey into Water’s Consciousness

Veda Austin’s journey began over a decade ago, driven by a deep curiosity about water’s potential to communicate and respond. Her primary method involves photographing water in its ‘state of creation’—the delicate phase between liquid and ice. It is in this state that water, according to Austin, reveals its consciousness and ability to form images based on external influences.

One of the most striking examples of her work is the appearance of a hand in the ice after the thought of a hand was projected into the water. This phenomenon is not an isolated incident; Austin has documented numerous instances where water has formed images in response to words, music, frequencies, and even films


The Philosophy Behind the Science

Austin’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that water is a form of fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on Earth and beyond. This perspective challenges conventional scientific views and opens up new avenues for understanding the interconnectedness of life and the environment.

Her work goes beyond mere observation; it is a call to recognize the profound relationship humans have with water. By showing how water responds to our intentions and emotions, Austin encourages a deeper respect and mindfulness towards this essential element.

Bridging Art and Science

Veda Austin’s work is a beautiful blend of art and science. Her crystallographic photos are not only scientific evidence but also stunning pieces of art that capture the imagination. These images serve as a bridge, connecting the empirical world of science with the intuitive realm of art and spirituality.

Her technique, known as Collective Molecular Photography (CMP), has produced over 10,000 images, each one a testament to water’s responsive nature. These images have sparked interest and debate within the scientific community, challenging researchers to explore the boundaries of what is known about water.

Educating the Future

Beyond her research, Austin is passionate about education. She spends time teaching water science in primary schools, integrating art projects to help children connect with the living water systems within and around them. She believes that the younger generation, whom she refers to as ‘tamariki’ (children), are the future water bearers and stewards of our planet.


Veda Austin’s groundbreaking work invites us to reconsider our relationship with water. By revealing its responsive nature, she not only advances scientific understanding but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the element that sustains all life. Her journey is a testament to the power of curiosity, the beauty of interdisciplinary exploration, and the profound intelligence that lies within every drop of water.

"Water is the rebel element, it won't conform to the laws of physics or gravity and it can't be killed. Without it there is no life. It reincarnates for all to see and science tells us it came to Earth from outer space. Rebellious, nonconformist, eternal and alien.....just look at the power we are filled with."

 - Veda Austin

Find Veda Austin at

  1. The Secret Intelligence of Water: Macroscopic Evidence of Water Responding to Human Consciousness - This book showcases Austin’s groundbreaking research and stunning photographs, revealing how water responds to various stimuli. Buy the book at or find it at other

  2. The Secret Intelligence of Water: Science, Art & Consciousness - A blend of art and science, this book explores the profound relationship between water and human consciousness through Austin’s crystallographic photography. Buy the book at   

A book by Veda Austin

Go to to see great examples of her dedicated work. I promise you will be amazed!!!

The Vital Role of Water in the Human Body

Water is an essential component of the human body, playing a crucial role in maintaining health and supporting various physiological functions. On average, the human body is composed of approximately 60% water, though this percentage can vary based on factors such as age, sex, and body composition.

Water Content in the Human Body

  • Infants: Babies have the highest water content, with about 75-78% of their body weight being water. This percentage decreases to around 65% by the age of one.

  • Adults: The average adult male’s body is about 60% water, while the average adult female’s body is around 55% water. This difference is primarily due to higher fat content in females, as fat tissue contains less water than lean tissue.

  • Elderly: As people age, the percentage of water in their bodies tends to decrease, often dropping to around 50-55%.

The Scientific Importance of Water

Water is indispensable for life due to its unique chemical and physical properties. Here are some key roles water plays in the human body:

  1. Cellular Function: Water is the primary building block of cells. It facilitates the transport of nutrients, minerals, and waste products in and out of cells.

  2. Temperature Regulation: Water helps regulate body temperature through processes such as sweating and respiration. Its high specific heat capacity allows it to absorb and release heat slowly, maintaining a stable internal environment.

  3. Metabolism: Water is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, which are used as energy sources. It also aids in the digestion and absorption of food.

  4. Lubrication and Cushioning: Water acts as a lubricant for joints and a cushion for vital organs, including the brain and spinal cord. It also forms the basis of saliva and other bodily fluids.

  5. Detoxification: Water is crucial for flushing out toxins and waste products from the body through urine and sweat.


Understanding the vital role of water in the human body underscores the importance of staying hydrated. Water is not just a simple liquid; it is a dynamic and essential component that supports life at every level. By maintaining proper hydration, we ensure that our bodies function optimally, promoting overall health and well-being.

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