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FREE Webinar on Soul Realignment & Akashic Records

In theory, you already know that you're the powerful Creator of your own experience ... right? So why is it that some things seem SO HARD to manifest? Why is it that all of our efforts create absolutely no results sometimes? It's enough to make us wonder whether the Law of Attraction might occasionally be glitchy, right?

That's why I wanted to send you this terrific FREE resource. It's a webinar called "Akashic Records: Manifesting Demystified" and whether you've ever heard of the Akashic Records or not, this webinar will explain manifesting in a completely new, grounded and practical way that will explain why you may have been experiencing struggles.

Soul Realignment Readings are deep, powerful readings that will help you understand the Divine nature of your soul, why you experience the things in life as you do, how you can be realigned with your true essence, how you can express your soul and start to make the changes in your life you long for.

The purpose of doing a Soul Realignment Reading is to find out about the Divine nature of your own Soul. We find information based on your Soul’s origination along with other factors, how you through choice have shaped your own experience over many lifetimes and much more. The information helps you in expressing your own Divine nature in your present life. The reading provides you with explanations to why you encounter and experience many of your current circumstances. All information provided is for you to understand what is going on in your life and how you, with new choices, can heal old patterns and issues and move forward. It’s about getting and being consious. The beauty of consciousness is that we are aware. We need to be aware so we can make those new choices and see the change we long for.

My teacher Andrrea Hess said:” The point of Soul Realignment is to restructure the Divine Soul Blueprint back to how it was when the Soul was created by Divine Source - back to its state at its origination.”

When we have found out who you are at a soul level, gathered information about circumstances and issues that might stay in your way, we energetically” clear” your Akashic Record of negative influences that have been created during your lifetimes, including this lifetime, by your choices. Any influence from others will be cleared as well. We all interact with each other all the time. These influences manifest in your current life as blockages. This opens up for you to make new choices and therefor shifts your experiences in this life from now on. The intention with this work is to assist YOU in your own work with yourself, so you better can align with your Divine Self and create a beautiful experience as a human. The reading and the work is merely a tool to help you to be aligned with you soul in your human body. Remember that your physical experience is not lesser than your spiritual experience. All your incarnations and your soul are equally sacred.

What are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records are the energetic “book of life” and store all information about us as a soul from the moment of our origination from the Divine, all our incarnations, all choices we have ever made. We all have our own Akashic Records and because the Records contain information, it is fifth dimensional. The Akashic Records contain a huge amount of information and exsist in all time and space. The human experience is a third dimensional experience, the fourth dimension is about the ego and the fifth dimension is about you as a spiritual being. All dimensions co-exist at the same time, but they are different in vibrations. Everything you think, say and do as well as all you have said, thought and done creates an energy that is ”recorded” in your Akashic Records.

I know you will enjoy the webinar and it may very well be the "trigger" that start you on a brand-new path towards a deep Spiritual understanding. For me it has been a life changing experience and becoming a Soul Realignment Practitioner have changed my life very much for the positive at the same time as I have been able to help many, many others ...

I hope you enjoy!

Love & Light



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