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Meeting Yourself & Seeing Beyond the Surface. I See ME, I See YOU

Cosmic Guardians LIVE Wednesday June 5th 2024

Join Anne & Care'n discussing

"Meeting Yourself and Seeing Beyond the Surface. I See ME, I See YOU"

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Meeting Yourself & Seeing Beyond the Surface: I See ME, I See YOU

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget to pause and reflect on who we truly are. We become so engrossed in our roles, responsibilities, and relationships that we lose sight of our true selves. This article is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to meet yourself anew, and to see beyond the surface.

The Journey Within

Meeting yourself is not about narcissism or self-obsession. It’s about self-awareness and self-understanding. It’s about peeling back the layers of societal expectations, personal insecurities, and self-imposed limitations to reveal the authentic self that lies beneath.

When you meet yourself, you confront your fears, acknowledge your strengths, accept your weaknesses, and embrace your uniqueness. You start to understand that you are not defined by your past mistakes, nor are you confined by others’ perceptions of you. You realize that you are a work in progress, constantly evolving and growing.

Cosmic Guardians

Seeing Beyond the Surface

Seeing beyond the surface requires a shift in perspective. It involves looking past the external facades we present to the world and delving deeper into our thoughts, emotions, and motivations. It’s about recognizing that beneath our physical appearance and social personas, we are complex beings with unique experiences, dreams, and aspirations.

When you see beyond the surface, you cultivate empathy and understanding, not just for yourself, but for others as well. You realize that just like you, everyone is fighting their own battles, nurturing their own dreams, and carrying their own burdens. You learn to appreciate the diversity of human experience and to value people for who they truly are, not just who they appear to be.

I See ME, I See YOU

“I See ME, I See YOU” is a mantra for this journey of self-discovery and empathy. It’s a reminder to look inward and outward with an open mind and a compassionate heart. It’s a call to celebrate our individuality while acknowledging our shared humanity.

When you say, “I See ME,” you affirm your commitment to self-awareness and personal growth. You pledge to honor your authentic self and to strive for self-improvement without self-judgment.

When you say, “I See YOU,” you express your willingness to see others beyond their surface. You vow to approach others with empathy, respect, and understanding, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.


Meeting yourself and seeing beyond the surface is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It’s a process of continuous learning, unlearning, and relearning. It’s a path marked by self-reflection, self-acceptance, and self-love.

So, take a moment to pause, breathe, and truly meet yourself. Look beyond the surface and see the real you. And as you do, remember to extend the same kindness, understanding, and acceptance to others. Because in the end, “I See ME, I See YOU” is not just about self-discovery, it’s about fostering a more compassionate and understanding world.

Remember, the journey starts with you. So, are you ready to meet yourself and see beyond the surface?

Love, Light, Peace & Joy

We See YOU, We Appreciate YOU & We Honor YOU

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