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Care'n Mooney

The Art of Living from Your Heart by Care'n Mooney


In our world today, the mind is often prioritized over living with humanity. Education is emphasized, with the goal of filling our minds with the means to acquire fame and fortune.


Along the way, we are ill-prepared to live in this world as compassionate human beings. We are not taught how to listen, how to trust our intuition, how to be compassionate, or how to resolve conflict in a way that satisfies all parties.


When we turn into our heart’s center, it allows us to connect with our spirit and hear our inner soul voice, enabling us to tap into our creativity. Doing this will bring us comfort, guidance, peace, awareness, and compassion. You will feel joy and real happiness for absolutely no reason because it comes from within.


Living from the heart is about being nurtured and understanding that our heart has its own brain and guides us if we are willing to listen.


When we use the expression “love will conquer everything,” sometimes this phrase gets overused and misused. When it is used to describe romantic physical love, which is chemical, it is not led by intuition. However, when we are authentically connected to our hearts and their wisdom, we can change everything.


Love from the heart center wants to celebrate life. When the rhythm of life gives us many different experiences and all the ups and downs, if we depend on our heart’s center to be a true compass, we will find that it will guide us through the storms and sunshine as we make our journey towards our authentic self.


This is amazing. Finally, science has realized that there is something so grand about the heart-brain connection that it has been studied at the Institute of HeartMath in California. They conduct many different scientific experiments that prove beyond a doubt there is a real connection between the heart and the brain.


We seem to always return to very simple ways of reconnecting:

  • Through self-love and authenticity

  • Through self-truth, wisdom, and honesty, and embracing our shadow self

  • Through true self-action, caring enough to care for ourselves with love


Living from the heart brings fulfillment in a much deeper way than you could ever imagine.

  • We begin to see the good in the world

  • We recognize the divine in ourselves and others

  • We are at ease and go with the flow instead of forcing our way through life

  • We recognize that we are given the opportunity to learn, bless the lesson, and release it with gratitude


Unconditional love guides you to look for peaceful living and a stress-free way to live. Remember to silence the mind with meditation, take time for gratitude, spend time in nature, and not be obsessed with living your life by a rigid plan. Allow the plan to flow, let go, and find trust in yourself. Love yourself.

Care'n Mooney

Every Tuesday evening, I have a heart-centered meditation at my center in Mesa, Arizona. I call it the open-heart meditation. I guide the group into our heart’s center, feeling it with joy, feeling it expands and vibrates faster and faster until we become our true essence as beings of light.


Greg Braden has said that mathematically, for every one person who holds the heart energy open, it will have a positive effect on over 1,000 people. So, when we have 10 people in the meditation, love has touched over 10,000 people. And the 10 people who are here have received peace, purpose, and the thanks of the universe.

If anyone is in the Phoenix or Mesa area, please give me a call and be part of our open-heart meditation.

I see you, I appreciate you, I honor you

© Care’n Mooney

Cosmic Guardians Care'n Mooney



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