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The First of the Four Agreements: Be Impeccable with Your Word by Care'n Mooney

As simple as this sounds, it is very powerful. Your word is the power that you have to create. In the Gospel of John in the Bible, it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Every word that we speak is a vibration, an emotion, and the way we communicate to ourselves and to others. We can create a beautiful dream, or that word can destroy everything around us.

In Germany, there was a man who, simply by his words, manipulated millions of intelligent people to do horrendous and horrible things to others. The word "impeccable" means "without sin." "Impeccable" comes from the Latin "peccare," which means "to sin," and "impeccable" means "without sin." So to speak without sin is not to go against self.

How many times have we looked in the mirror and seen a blemish on our face or our hair doing its own thing and let out an exclamation of, "This is terrible! How can I face the world?"

Or perhaps something we chose to wear doesn't look right, and we use this time to tell ourselves how bad we look. When we use the word against ourselves with the sin of rejection of self, it can lead to the death of our soul.

When you begin to love yourself, you would never use your word against you. Being impeccable with your word is the correct use of your energy. When it is easy to use our word against ourselves, it is very easy to use it against someone else.

We see and hear this all the time: a frustrated teacher will embarrass a student with the results of a bad test, leaving that person with a feeling of self-loathing and not wanting to ever feel that way again, stopping doing what they were doing. Hearing an adult standing over a child, telling them how terrible they are, not teaching the right way to do something but rather intimidating, humiliating, and scarring that small child for a lifetime.

When we speak, if we speak with integrity and inspiration, we can change a person's view of themselves from "I'm not worthy" to "I am worthy." No matter who you are or where you are, you've had this experience. You've had to reteach yourself how to survive. It is time now to step into your authentic self. Because of social media, it is extremely easy to use poison words and gossip about others, spreading vicious rumors and untruths because it makes us look good to others.

These words, once spoken, can never be taken back. By assuming that what we hear someone else say about a person is true, it is only their perception, and we must reconsider everything we hear until we have the experience. Even then, to express our perception of another is not our higher self. Whether something is true or not true, it really is not our right or position to impose our views on others. We have been gifted with tools to free ourselves. Let's have a great time finding Nemo.

The process of becoming real, to regain your souls, is something our well-meaning teachers, parents, relatives, and friends have also been programmed to the social behaviors that guide their experiences.

Don Miguel Ruiz and the honored naguals of the Eagle Knight lineage have given us a way to find our authentic selves and be of service to ourselves and to mankind. These are his gifts.

When we are at a crossroads and find ourselves in a situation where we are unsure of ourselves, we have a tendency to find a comforting thought, a way of making something more palatable. We choose a memory that would be uplifting.

We rewrite the scripts for our reality to become something that we can live with, allowing us to readjust and to be able to navigate the complicated life that we are living. Why not begin to see and feel the changes that we have available to us?

As we observe someone caring for someone else, we see the compassion, we see the empathy. However, if we realize that the caring person also has their dreams and hopes playing out in their own home theater. Perhaps they had dreams of seeing the world, writing a book, or just another version of their life. In their desire to be compassionate, sometimes they give up their own expectations.

We can still be compassionate and loving and give our attention and care to others while still addressing our own dreams and never lose sight of self, for this is where the real power lies.

I've seen many situations where, especially mothers, can become so dependent on the outside relationship that they have with their children that it becomes the only way to sustain their identity.

When mothers become so involved in their children that they live for them and become obsessed, they can sometimes lose sight that their lives are different from their children's, and it can be painful. If they don't feel their children love them back. I had a friend who had a lot to give but she did not have children. Her idea was to adopt an orphan, and then that child would belong to her and would love her unconditionally and fulfill what she needed.

This is not how we serve humanity. And people who try to live this way find that they drive a wedge between what could be and what they think it should be, and their children become an object of attachment and object of affection rather than genuine caring and love. This obsession can be invasive.

With ancient Toltec wisdom, we are given an opportunity to utilize ancient tools that will allow us to be compassionate, loving, caring, and still have that love and compassion for ourselves.

As children, we are domesticated. We are taught when to sit, when to speak, who to play with, who likes us and who does not like us, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. These mannerisms and truths are passed down from generation to generation.

When a child is born, they are already given a nationality and essence, an idea of what their elders expect. That beautiful, free spirit has already been reformed and conformed into the society that they have moved into.

We have an opportunity to reconnect with our authentic self, and this is not selfish. It is letting go of ideas and thought forms that allow us to move and share with the world in a whole new realm.

When we learn to express our divine creativity, we learn that our connection and our abilities are limitless. Not only are we contending with our cultural upbringing, there is also a worldview.

Being your authentic self is not selfish; it is letting you become your true self. When we can find our soul, it is the one concept we find in the multifaceted expression of our own divine creativity. Trying to live with false concepts of self denies the world of our greatest gifts: our innate wisdom and understanding that is uniquely ours to give the world. Our true freedom comes when we live life with anticipation and not expectations.

How disappointing if someone else decided how a sunrise or sunset or a flower was supposed to look, and that was the concept they gave us, which would limit our own imagination. What magic we would miss if we did not have the freedom to be our authentic selves. I feel that the divine creation, which has no limits, gives us the meaning of true existence with all its vast and amazing differences.

Family gatherings would be effortless if we did not put restrictions on them. "I'm not talking to that person," or "Wow, they don't believe what I believe, so they must be different." If we met everyone as their true self, it would be so much easier to communicate. We spend so much time living the short version of what will or will not happen, we miss the great thing that is happening right before us.

Thousands of years ago, the Toltec, who lived in southern Mexico, were known as women and men of knowledge. The Toltec were scientists and artists who formed a society to explore and conserve the spiritual knowledge and practice of the ancient ones. They came together as master naguals and students at Teotihuacan, in the pyramids outside Mexico City, known as the place where man becomes God. They were forced to conceal the ancestral wisdom in order to maintain it and also to keep it from obscurity. The knowledge was embedded and passed on through generations by different lineages of naguals.

And now Don Miguel Ruiz, a renowned nagual from the Eagle Knight lineage, has been guided to share with us the powerful teachings of the Toltec.

The first thing that happens when we are born is we are domesticated. We now have to learn society's rules, its beliefs, its laws, its religions, its different cultures, and its way to be—what its government, schools, social events, and holidays dictate. We have to learn what is accepted and what is not accepted, what is good and what is bad, what people think is beautiful and what is ugly, and what is wrong and what is right.

As a child, we are not allowed to choose our religion or our moral values, for they were already created before we were born. As children, we do not have the opportunity to choose our beliefs, and we must agree with the information that has been passed on from the dream of the planet via the humans we live with.

We learn how to be a good girl or a good boy in order to receive a reward and acceptance. We learn that if we are bad, there are consequences. We learn to accept others from our parents' perspective. We learn how to be judgmental of ourselves, and the inner judge uses these laws to keep us in line. We learn that with every judgment, there is a part of us that is also the victim, and the victim carries the blame, the guilt, and the shame. That part of us says, "Poor me, I'm not good enough, I'm not intelligent enough, I'm not attractive enough, I'm not worthy." The judge within us decrees that the victim must feel guilty and be punished.

How many times must we pay for one mistake? The answer is thousands, for the human is the only animal on earth that pays 1,000 times for the same mistake. Every time we have a memory, we have others in our subconscious that replay all our old programming, so we always keep making the same mistakes.

Ninety-five percent of the beliefs we have stored in our minds are nothing but lies, and we suffer because of these lies. We accept this illusion as reality until we break the system. We reject ourselves for not being perfect, and we envy others who have broken out of the bonds of self-inflicted condemnation.

The result of all this is that we are unauthentic and wear social masks to keep others from noticing that we are not the same as them. It is time to find a new dream: "This is what I am, this is what I believe, and I do certain things and some things I cannot do." Every time you make an agreement that society has placed on us, all the power used to create now returns to you.


Care'n Mooney

Every Tuesday evening, I have a heart-centered meditation at my center in Mesa, Arizona. I call it the open-heart meditation. I guide the group into our heart’s center, feeling it with joy, feeling it expands and vibrates faster and faster until we become our true essence as beings of light.

If anyone is in the Phoenix or Mesa area, please give me a call and be part of our open-heart meditation.

I see you, I appreciate you, I honor you

© Care’n Mooney

Cosmic Guardians Care'n Mooney



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