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The Symbolism and Spiritual Meaning of the Moon Phases & the Lunar Calendar for 2025


The moon has long been a symbol of mystery, intuition, and the cyclical nature of life. Each phase of the moon carries its own unique energy and spiritual significance, guiding us through different aspects of our personal and spiritual journeys.

A full moon occurs in the middle of the lunar month, about every 29.53 days on average when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon. The Moon appears completely illuminated, giving the phase its name. Depending on how the lunar schedules align, there are 12 or 13 full moons per calendar year.

The Moon, in addition to its light at night, has a physical impact of the Moon on the Earth and Nature. Moons’ gravitational pull on the Earth causes the tides to rise and fall, with the strongest impact at the peak of the full moon.

New Moon

The New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. It is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting intentions. Spiritually, the New Moon is a powerful time for manifestation and planting the seeds of our desires. It encourages us to reflect on our goals and dreams, and to take the first steps towards making them a reality. This phase is associated with introspection, renewal, and the potential for growth.

First Quarter

The First Quarter Moon, also known as the Waxing Crescent, represents a time of action and decision-making. It is a period of building momentum and overcoming obstacles. Spiritually, this phase encourages us to take decisive steps towards our goals and to trust in our abilities. It is a time to harness our inner strength and determination, and to push through any challenges that may arise. The First Quarter Moon symbolizes progress, courage, and perseverance.

Full Moon

The Full Moon is a time of culmination, illumination, and heightened energy. It is when the moon is at its brightest and fullest, symbolizing clarity and enlightenment. Spiritually, the Full Moon is a powerful time for releasing what no longer serves us and for celebrating our achievements. It is a time of heightened intuition and emotional awareness, allowing us to connect deeply with our inner selves and the universe. The Full Moon represents completion, fulfillment, and the peak of our spiritual journey.

Last Quarter

The Last Quarter Moon, also known as the Waning Crescent, signifies a time of reflection, release, and letting go. It is a period of introspection and evaluation, where we can assess what has been accomplished and what needs to be released. Spiritually, this phase encourages us to let go of old patterns, habits, and beliefs that no longer serve our highest good. It is a time to cleanse and purify our minds and spirits, preparing for the new cycle to begin. The Last Quarter Moon symbolizes closure, transformation, and the wisdom gained from our experiences.

The moon phases remind us of the natural rhythms of life and the importance of embracing each stage of our journey. By aligning ourselves with the energy of the moon, we can navigate our spiritual paths with greater awareness and intention.

The celestial dance of the moon has long captivated human imagination, serving as a beacon of mystery and introspection. Among the moon's many phases and phenomena, lunar eclipses, full supermoons, and total lunar eclipses, often referred to as Blood Moons, hold profound spiritual significance.

Lunar Eclipses

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth positions itself between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow over the moon. Spiritually, this event symbolizes a time of deep reflection and transformation. It is a moment to confront our shadows, the hidden aspects of ourselves that we often ignore. The eclipse invites us to embrace these parts, fostering growth and self-awareness. It is a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of life, encouraging us to release old patterns and make way for new beginnings.

Full Supermoons

A supermoon happens when a full moon coincides with the moon's closest approach to Earth in its elliptical orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual. This phenomenon amplifies the moon's energy, heightening our emotions and intuition. Spiritually, a full supermoon is a time of heightened awareness and clarity. It illuminates our path, helping us to see things from a broader perspective. This is an ideal time for setting intentions, manifesting desires, and celebrating our achievements. The supermoon’s brilliance serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, guiding us towards our highest potential.

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

During a total lunar eclipse, the moon takes on a reddish hue, earning it the name Blood Moon. This rare and awe-inspiring event is a powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal. The Blood Moon represents a profound shift in consciousness, urging us to let go of the past and embrace new possibilities. It is a time to release fears and doubts, and to step into our true power. The deep red color of the moon during this eclipse is a reminder of the life force that flows within us, connecting us to the universe and each other.

In essence, these lunar events are not just astronomical occurrences but spiritual milestones that guide us on our journey. They remind us of the interconnectedness of all things and the ever-changing nature of life. By aligning ourselves with the energy of the moon, we can navigate our spiritual paths with greater awareness and intention, embracing each phase of our journey with grace and wisdom.

Lunar Calendar 2025

New Moon

First Quarter

Full Moon

Last Quarter

Moon Name

Monday December 30 2024

Monday January 6

Monday January 13

Tuesday January 21

Wolf Moon

Wednesday January 29

Wednesday February 5

Wednesday February 12

Thursday February 20

Snow Moon

Thursday February 27

Thursday March 6

Friday March 14 Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

Saturday March 22

Worm Moon

Saturday March 29

Friday April 4

Saturday April 12

Sunday April 20

Pink Moon

Sunday April 27

Sunday, May 4

Monday May 12

Tuesday May 20

Flower Moon

Monday May 26

Monday June 2

Wednesday June 11

Wednesday June 18

Strawberry Moon

Wednesday June 25

Wednesday July 2

Thursday July 10

Thursday July 17

Buck Moon

Thursday July 24

Friday August 1

Saturday August 9

Saturday August 16

Sturgeon Moon

Saturday August 23

Sunday August 31

Sunday September 7 Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

Sunday September 14

Corn Moon

Sunday September 21

Monday September 29

Monday October 6 Full Supermoon

October 7

Monday October 13

Harvest Moon

Tuesday October 21

Wednesday October 29

Wednesday November 5 Full Supermoon

Wednesday November 12

Beaver Moon

Thursday November 20

Friday November 28

Thursday December 4 Full Supermoon

Thursday December 11

Cold Moon

Friday December 19

Saturday December 27

Saturday January 3 2026

Wolf Moon

Other Moon Events 2025

In 2025, we'll witness 12 full moons, starting with the first on Monday, January 13, and ending with the last on Thursday, December 4. The year will also feature two lunar eclipses and three full supermoons. Both March and September will host a Total Lunar Eclipse, often referred to as a Blood Moon.

Lunar Eclipses

  • March 14, 2025: Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

  • September 7, 2025: Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

In 2025, there will be three Full Supermoons. These supermoons will occur on:

  • October 7, 2025

  • November 5, 2025

  • December 4, 2025

A supermoon occurs when a full moon coincides with the moon's closest approach to Earth in its elliptical orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual. It's a spectacular sight to behold!

As the moon orbits the Earth, it follows an elliptical path, bringing it closer and further away at different points. When it is at its closest, known as perigee, the moon is approximately 360,000 km (225,000 miles) away. If this perigee coincides with a full moon, it is often called a "supermoon."

"Supermoon" is not a scientific term, but it is widely used to describe this phenomenon when the full moon is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth. The official term for this alignment is perigee syzygy.

From Earth, a supermoon appears slightly larger than usual - up to 17% larger than the smallest full moons - and significantly brighter.

Blue Moon

We won't be treated to a blue moon in 2025, as none of the months or seasons will have an extra full moon. There are two ways to define a blue moon. The most common one, which you might be familiar with, is when two full moons occur in the same month. The second full moon is typically called a blue moon. The second definition is a bit different. It refers to having an extra full moon on the calendar during a season. When a season has four full moons, the third full moon is also called a blue moon or a seasonal blue moon.

Equinoxes & Solstices

Below are the dates for the equinoxes and solstices in 2025. None of the equinoxes or solstices will be on the same day as one of the full moons. All four seasons will have three full moons, so no seasonal blue moons will occur this year.

Dates of the Equinoxes & Solstices

  • Spring Equinox (Vernal): Thursday, March 20

  • Summer Solstice: Friday, June 20

  • Autumnal Equinox: Monday, September 22

  • Winter Solstice: Sunday, December 21

Each full moon has a traditional name inspired by nature tied to cultural activities that traditionally occurred during the month. The names used today are a combination of sources, including multiple Native American Tribes, Colonial Americans, and names brought to the United States from Europe.

Full Moon Names

The full moon has been given names by different cultures, inspired by nature or activities that happen during the month. The names we typically use today are a combination of those used by Native American Tribes as well as those brought to the United States from other cultures.

The names of the full moons are:

  • Wolf Moon: January 13, 2025. Other names include the Ice Moon, Old Moon, Moon After Yule, and Snow Moon

  • Snow Moon: February 12, 2025. Other names include the Hunger Moon, Chaste Moon, and Storm Moon

  • Worm Moon: March 14, 2025. Other names include the Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Chaste Moon, Sugar Moon, and Lenten Moon

  • Pink Moon: April 12, 2025. Other names include the Egg Moon, Full Sprouting Grass Moon, and Full Fish Moon

  • Flower Moon: May 12, 2025. Other names include the Corn Planting Moon, and Milk Moon

  • Strawberry Moon: June 11, 2025. Other names include the Rose Moon, Mead Moon, and Honey Moon

  • Buck Moon: July 10, 2025. Other names include the Thunder Moon, and Hay Moon

  • Sturgeon Moon: August 9, 2025. Other names include the Barley Moon, Corn Moon, Dog Moon, Fruit Moon, Grain Moon, Green Corn Moon, Herb Moon, Red Moon, and Wyrt Moon

  • Corn Moon: September 7, 2025

  • Harvest Moon (Supermoon): October 6, 2025. The October full moon is called the Full Harvest Moon because it’s closer to the Autumn Equinox than the September Full Moon.

  • Beaver Moon (Supermoon): November 5, 2025. Another name is the Frosty Moon

  • Cold Moon (Supermoon): December 4, 2025. Other names include the Long Nights Moon and Oak Moon

Love, Light, Peace & Joy




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