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Thank you so much for helping me find my keys. They were in a drawer underneath some things and covered by a material that looked like it was made of a basket or something. Just as you said, you are exceptionally good!



Thank you for the great advice and what you told me has just come into reality. I will keep on asking you important questions as I fully trust in your ability to see.



I just need to thank you for being you and helping me the way you do and have done in the past. Three of the matters I had concerns about turned out just fine and in the way you said they would. Amazing! I feel full of confidence for the future now. Thank you!



Thank you so much for your reading and you nailed it! I had a sense about it all myself and I just needed the confirmation, and you provided that for me. Blessed be!



Anne's work, what can I say about it? Absolutely amazing is what I say. I threw her a few old bones and scraps from my journey and my mission to eradicate suicide, and she created such a wonderful article, introduction, bio and so much more! So thanks for your help, keep up the great work. Goodonyadarlin'!
Love, Bob

Bob Eden


You helped me very much today. Thank you!



Thank you for your great advice and I have met a man just as you told me. He is very different from my usual type in appearance, but very spiritual and we connect on all levels. I just wanted to give you this remarkable feedback. You were spot on.



Jag har längtat så efter att få prata med dig och tack för att du finns. Du får mig alltid att känna mig mer centrerad och lugnare.



I have not seen anything like this before and I had a mandala made for me and my precious partner. I will come back for more mandalas to gift to special friends. I loved the prayer as well.



Thank you for this idea and opportunity to have a very, special, energized mandala. I ordered for myself and I am so very grateful. Thank you!



It is a very beautiful and indeed personal gift. I gifted a mandala to a dear friend and she was very happy for it. I framed it for her and she can even feel the energy.



Sänder så mycket värme och kärlek! En genuin person som sprider så mycket positiv energi. Man märker att hon gör detta från hjärtat och är en naturbegåvning! Allt hennes arbete är positivt och ger så mycket! Hon hjälper dig att vända det negativa till det positiva och ser till att du mår bra! Tack ❤️


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